Ch. Banshee's Rising Sun (Ya-Ya)
~ AKC Champion of Record - 05/26/2012 ~
(18 Points, 2 Major, 2 Major Judges, 8 Total Judges)
- NEW AKC Champion of Record -
Ya-Ya on the move, Freehold, NJ - 05/27/2012 |
Ya-Ya on the move, Freehold, NJ - 05/27/2012 |
WB / 3 point Major - Monmouth County Kennel Club - Freehold, NJ
Ya-Ya, now Ch. Banshee's Rising Sun, - takes Winner's Bitch (WB) at the Rockland County Kennel Club's Show on May 26th, 2012 to complete her AKC Championship title under Judge Louis G. Bond.
BBE and WB / 2 Points - Rocland County Kennel Club - Suffern, NY
Ya-Ya takes "Bred by Exhibitor" and "Winner's Bitch" at the Rockland County Kennel Club Show in Suffern, NY on Saturday, February 25, 2012 under Judge Mr. Robert J. Caswell.
WB and BoOS / 2 points - Wallkill Kennel Club - Suffern, NY
Ya-Ya wins Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex over several Specials Bitches on Friday, February 24, 2012 for 2 points under Judge .Mr. Frederick N. Dewsbury.

Winners Bitch - Rockland County Kennel Club - February 27, 2011
Ya-Ya's first Major, shown here taking Winners Bitch (WB) for her forst Major in 2011.
Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex - Bucks County Kennel Club
Carrying 10 puppies at the time, Ya-Ya is shown here taking Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex at 4-1/2 years old. Below she is pictured in a "moving" shot.
Best of Opposite Sex - Trenton Kennel Club - May 9, 2011
Ya-Ya takes Best of Opposite Sex (BOS) and Winners Bitch (WB) at the Trenton Kennel Club Show. Still carrying them puppies!
Best of Winners & Best of Opposite Over Special Bitch - Penn Ridge Kennel Club
Shown here taking Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Over Special Bitch.
Reserve Winners / Major - New Brunswick Kennel Club
Ya-Ya's first show, taking Reserve to the Major at 2 years old.
Banshee's Rising Sun at 6-1/2 weeks old