INTL / AM CH Banshee's Frost Willow, WWPD (Willow)
4th Place - Veterans Bitch - 2017 AMCA Nationals
AMCA Nationals 2015
Willow and Deb Rogers at teh AMCA Nationals 2015.
WB / Major / New CH - Bucks County Kennel Club
Willow finishing her championship with a major by Deborah Rogers, Owner/Handler. Deborah did a beautiful job in campaigning Willow to her championship. Winner's Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex on May 3, 2008.
Best of Opposite Sex - Monmouth County Kennel Club
Willow taking Best of Opposite Sex at the Monmouth County New Jersey show, May 22, 2008
First Place (18-24 mo. Maturity Bitches) - Alaskan Malamute Club of America
Willow taking first place in the A.M.C.A. National Specialty 2007.
BOS - Sand & Sea KC - April 1, 2007 |
BOS/WB - Sand & Sea KC - March 31, 2007 |
Best Puppy - Ramapo KC - October 15, 2006