Banshee's Oh My Darling, CGC, CGCA, BN, WWPD (Darla)

Date of Whelp: June 2, 2010
Darla is a daughter of BISS, Intl-MBIS, AM-GCH Banshee's Reign Supreme, M-AOM ("Remy") out of CH Banshees Rising Sun ("Ya-Ya"),
Darla received her Rally Excellent title and her CGC Urban title. So happy for Brenda Lemon and Darla. National Specialty 2017

Darla's AKC Rally Title Certificate |
Working Dogs Showcase - AMCA Nationals 2015
Darla taking a run in the ring during the AMCA Natioanls in the Working Dog Showcase.
Rally Advanced Title - March 13, 2016
Thanks to Nancy Brock with the Wilmington Kennel club, for helping guide us. And special thanks to our Judge Sylvia Brownlee.
Darla @ 3-1/2 years old. |
Obedience Top Ten Award - AMCA - 2012
Darla was awarded the Obedience Top 10 Award from the Alaskan Malamute Club of America for being #8 in Beginner Obedience.
WWPD Title - March at the Port Weight Pull - Port Clinton, PA
Darla completes her fourth and final leg toward her Working Weight Pull Dog title at the March at the Port Weight Pull. She pulled a personal best weight of 1560# taking 5th Place, and a 21.08 times her total body weight o0f 74#.
Completes WWPD Title
2nd Weight Pull Leg - -
Basic Novice Obedience Title - Salisbury Maryland Kennel Club - Salisbury, MD
Darla is awarded her Basic Novice Obedience Trial title at the Salisbury Maryland Kennel Club Dog Show on Saturday, February 26, 2012.

Canine Good Citizen (CGC) - AMCA Nationals - Ypsilanti, MI
Darla is certified as a Canine Good Citizen at the Alaskan Malamute Club if America's National's on in Ypsilanti, MI.
Darla @ 12 months |
Darla @ 12 months |
Darla @ 12 months |
Darla @ 12 months |
Darla @ 24 months |