Banshee Alaskan Malamute News (29)
Harrisburg, PA AMAEP & AMCA Mid-East Area Specialties |
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HALLE, GCH Ch Banshee's Shining Star, takes Best of Opposite Sex at both the AMAEP Mid-East Area Specialty and the AMCA Mid-East Area Specialty on April 15th & 16th at Harrisburg, PA Blue & Grey Cluster Shows. |
HALLE - Intl-Ch/US-GCH Banshee's Shining Star is awarded her AKC Grand Championship |
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Banshee's Rising Sun, now Ch. Banshee's Rising Sun, takes Winner's Bitch (WB) at the Monmouth County Kennel Club's Show this weekend for a 3 point MAJOR completing her championship! Not to be outdone her two son's, Indy and Jo-Jo, brothers from the "Extreme Team" litter, figured that if Mom won they had to win too.
Banshee's Status Que takes Best of Winners (BOW) for a 3 point Major to get his first major and his first AKC Championship points.
Ch. Banshee's American Adventurer, CGC , TDI takes Best of Breed (BOB) for a 5 point Major Grand Championship win, defeating 16 dogs total, and 6 Champions (2 Ch, + 4 GCh.).
CH Banshee's Dynamite Diva (Dinah) Receives two AMCA Awards
Written by Super UserCh. Banshee's Dynamite Diva receives two 2011 awards from the Alaskan Malamute Club of America. She and her owner Xavier Santiago have been awarded the #1 NY/NJ Breed Bitch and the #3 Breed Bitch in the US. Congratulations to Xavier and Dinah!
Shown below are the two awards, plus Dinah and Xavier taking Second Place (Best of Opposite Sex) at last years Alaskan Malamute Club of America's 2011 National Specialty Show held in Ypsilanti. MI.
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Remy takes BIG WINS at the Wine Country Circuit Dog Shows
Written by Super UserRemy takes two Best of Breed and one Grand Champion Select at Romulus, NY and the "Wine Country Circuit".
rnShowing on Friday, September 28, 2012 in the Finger Lakes KC show under judge Eva E. Berg, Remy was awarded Best of Breed over 13 total dogs (4 GCh pts).
On Saturday, September 29, 2012, Remy was again awarded Best of Breed in the Elmira KC Show under judge Robert L. Vandiver (5 GCh pts) over 18 dogs.
On Sunday, September 30th, 2012, Remy was awarded again with a Grand Champion Select Dog in the Onondaga Kennel Association show under judge Ruth H. Zimmerman (3 GCh pts) over 12 dogs..
rnRemy now stands at 23 Grand Champion points with 5 Majors! Congratulation to Carlene and Remy for a GREAT cluster of shows.
CH Banshee's American Adventurer, CGC, TDI takes Best of Breed at Kimberton, PA
Written by Super UserRemy takes SELECT at the AMCA Nationals and Completes his GCh
Written by Super User"Remy", now Multi-BIS Intl., America GCh Banshee's Reign Supreme, AOM has taken SELECT DOG at the Alaskan Malamute Club of America's 2012 National event this passed week completing his Grand Championship under highly respected AKC Judge Burton J. Yamada. This is Remy's second Select win at the "Nationals" in the past three years.
Remy and Carlene have amassed an impressive record at Nationals recently. Over the last four years Remy has been awarded: 2009-AOM, 2010-Select Dog, 2011-AOM, and 2012-Select Dog. Remy is now the first Dog in AMCA history to take Select Dog twice at the National event.
Pictured here (left to right) are Alicia McGuire with Indy (Ch Banshee's American Adventurer, CGC, TDI), Brenda Lemon with Darla (Banshee's Oh My Darling, CGC, BN), Nancy Zinkham with Cisco (Ch. Banshee's Law-N-Order, WWPD), Carlene Way with Halle (Banshee's Shining Star), and Mike McGuire with Remy (Intl-BIS, Am. GCh Banshee's Reign Supreme, AOM) at the Alaskan Malamute Club of America's 2012 National Specialty event in Chattanooga, TN.
DARLA - ''Banshee's Oh My Darling'' Takes Rally Advanced Title
Written by Super UserBig time brag!! Exactly 1 yr ago, both Darla and Raider earned their Rally Novice. It is with great pleasure and a lot of hard work that both Raider and Darla earned their Rally Advance title this past weekend. Thanks to Nancy Brock with the Wilmington Kennel club, for helping guide us. And special thanks to our Judge Sylvia Brownlee.
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Now known as BISS GCH Ch Banshee's American Adventurer, CGC, TDI, WWPD, AOM; handled by professional handler Paul Levesque and in the same ring with sister "HALLE"; wins Best of Breed on Sunday, June 26th, 2016 under AKC judge Mr. P. Levi Marsman at the EAMA NY/NJ Affiliated Specialty during the Mid-Hudson Kennel Association Show.
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Being my birthday weekend, I don't think I could ever have dreamed of a more wonderful present than to have two of my fur-babies do so well the entire weekend. A very wonderful feeling indeed. Thank you to all the judges, Paul for handling Indy, and all of my friends who were there to share the experience with me.
HALLE - CH Banshee's Shining Star, got her International CH Title today (7/2/2016), with 4 V1 ratings of Excellent. at the International Dog Shows in Allentown, PA.
Halle also won Best In Show Reserve Bred by class.
HALLE - Intl. CH / US GCH Ch Banshee's Shining Star, takes another great set of wins at the Great Lakes Area Supported Entry on Saturday, October 1st. Followed by a Select Bitch (SB) on Sunday, October 2nd.
By taking seven AKC points this weekend, HALLE also finishes her AKC Grand Championship!!!
ROMEO Takes Two WD Awards at the Harrisburg Specialty
Written by Super UserROMEO _ Banshee's Above All Else takes a 3-point Major and a 4-point Major wins at the Harrisburg Specialty weekend between April 13-16, 2017. His first win was on April 14th under judge Rita Walker, and his second Major was on Sunday, April 16th under respected judge Pat Hastings.
Winners Dog - Friday, April 14, 2017
Winners Dog - Sunday, April 16, 2017
09SEP2017 - Remy and Romeo Rock the AMCA NY/NJ Area Specialty
Written by Super User"REMY", BISS GCH CH Banshee's Reign Supreme, takes Best Veteran in Sweepstakes and "ROMEO", Banshee's Above All Else, takes winners dog for his third consecutive Major at the AMCA NY/NJ Area Specialty.
10/15/2017 - New AKC Champion - "ROMEO" Ch Banshee's Above All Else
Banshee MalamutesROMEO - Ch Banshee's Above All Else finishes his AKC Championship with a Best of Winners win from the Bred-by Class on Saturday, October 14, 2017 at the Catonsville KC show under Australian judge Mr. Kerry Lee.
Banshee Has Great Week At Nationals - Banshee Alaskan Malamutes
BansheeMalamutesRomeo at National Second place in a large Bred-by class under breeder Judge Mr. Larry Chu, 10/28/2017.
ROMEO - Taking 4th Place in a large Bred-By Class at the 2017 AMCA Regionals
WILLOW - Taking 4th Place in the Veterans Bitch Class at the 2017 AMCA Regionals
DARLA - Banshee's Oh My Darling, CGC, CGCA, CGCU, BN, WWPD finishes
her Rally Excelent and CGC Urban Titles
ROMEO - Ch Banshee's Above All Else Completes Championship
BansheeMalamutesCh Banshee's Above All Else completes his championship at the Cantonsville Kennel Club show in West Friendship, MD under judge Mr. Kerry Lee, taking Winners Dog, Best of Winners, and Best of Breed - Owner Handled from the Bred-By class. ROMEO is the first dog finished entirely from the Bred-By class at Banshee Alaskan Malamutes.ROMEO finishes his championship with 15 AKC Points, 4 Major wins, under both 4 major judges and total number of judges.
NEW CHAMPION - ROMEO - Ch Banshee's Above All Else - 10/14/2017