Saturday, 26 May 2012 13:30 Written by
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Banshee's Rising Sun, now Ch. Banshee's Rising Sun, takes Winner's Bitch (WB) at the Monmouth County Kennel Club's Show this weekend for a 3 point MAJOR completing her championship! Not to be outdone her two son's, Indy and Jo-Jo, brothers from the "Extreme Team" litter, figured that if Mom won they had to win too.

CH Banshee's Rising Sun

Banshee's Status Que takes Best of Winners (BOW) for a 3 point Major to get his first major and his first AKC Championship points.

Banshee's Status Que

Ch. Banshee's American Adventurer, CGC , TDI takes Best of Breed (BOB) for a 5 point Major Grand Championship win, defeating 16 dogs total, and 6 Champions (2 Ch, + 4 GCh.).

CH Banshee's American Adventurer, CGC, TDI
Read 3309 times Last modified on Monday, 24 July 2017 13:37